While SEEK is NOT endorsing or promoting any signer of the Promise, we are deeply appreciative to those signers who have shared how they have put the values of the Promise into practice. It is up to the consumer to hold their teacher to living the Promise, a public declaration of intent to practice in a safe and ethical manner. Some suggestions that originated from our meeting in Sedona:
- On a self-help provider’s website, the Promise should be prominently displayed for their consumers to see their commitment to ethical and safe practices. There should also be a link-back to the site as well as encouraging their consumers to consult the Empowerment guide to ensure their personal safety.
- On the website and in preliminary materials, if a waiver is signed, the provider will offer to outline a risk management plan that will provide protection and minimize the participant’s risk.
- All teachers should be empowering their students by offering “tools” for personal growth and change while discouraging “dependence” on the practitioner. The main message must be: solutions are within, the power and strength for change are within oneself!
Pete Sanders, who attended the summit, is the Founder and President of Free Soul, as well as a member of the Sedona Metaphysical Spiritual Association, offers the following thoughts:
- Two of the most powerful (and intoxicating) life aspects are Love and Hope. Their combination can be marvelous, but also potentially dangerous, if abused. All people can be enamored by “the hope” of a better life.
- It is the responsibility of the practitioner to not create false hope, or tie hopefulness to dependence on the teacher.
- It is the responsibility of the student to seek to learn to create “their own” inner hope; to not give up their power by letting their hopefulness be controlled by and/or dependent on the teacher.
Well said, Pete, THANK YOU! In our next posts, we will be featuring specific suggestions and ways that various practitioners are implementing the Promise. If you are a self-help provider, please send us your ideas.