Rogue Retreats – Women’s Health Features SEEK!

Rogue Retreats - Women's Health Magazine

Women’s Health Interview

A few months ago when I was interviewed by Kate Graham for this article (Rogue Retreats), I was struck by the continued and widespread interest in Kirby’s story. While this happened 5 years ago, it is not an old story… certainly not for those of us who miss Kirby every day, but it continues to be relevant for seekers around the world. We all seek to grow, to experience life and sometimes, at critical points in our lives we search out a person or program to help motivate us to achieve our goals.  As long as we as humans, keep desiring to become our best selves, we need guidance to evaluate in who and what to place our trust. Please read and share this article with others and use our Empowerment guide to be safe. Encourage your teachers to sign our SEEK Safely Promise.  For each of us, as we live, love and grow, be safe, be smart! Knowing that people in the U K could benefit from Kirby’s story, we at SEEK are encouraged to continue our mission. Please consider supporting our efforts, and spreading the message. Seek with an open heart and open eyes!

Read The Rogue Retreats Article

You man read the entire Rogue Retreats article by clicking on the cover or the button below. rogue-retreats-womens-health-magazine-cover

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