As we enter this holiday season of Thanksgiving, may we all be givers and gatherers, gifting and forgiving, loving and living. In a beautiful book entitled, “One Thousand Gifts” the author Ann Voscamp challenges us to live fully, right where we are, by continually giving thanks. She calls us to practice “Eucharisteo [or] thanksgiving, [a word which] envelopes the Greek word for grace, charis and holds its derivative, chara meaning joy.” She writes, “As long as thanks is possible, then joy is always possible.” At SEEK Safely, we challenge everyone to live with passion, purpose and joy. Life being lived fully when felt, directed with meaning and thoroughly enjoyed. Therefore in the spirit of this season, I would like to share my gratitude list:
- My faith in a God of love who provides meaning and direction while continually embracing me through the beauty of creation.
- My husband, children, extended family and friends who enrich my life every day.
- Kirby, my first born who taught me to parent, challenged me to risk, and guides me, even now, to stretch.
- All those who have supported us as we have worked to create SEEK Safely so that the deaths of Kirby, James Shore and Liz Neuman will bring life to others.
- I am so thankful for all the people I have met and have helped us in our mission to make a difference to educate, empower and create change.
It is often easier to see what we lack or want yet a full life is framed by what we have, how we see it and finally, how we share it with others. What are you grateful for? RECENT MEETINGS and RESOURCES:
- Recently we received a comment from Gary King who has been connected to the personal development industry for 25 years. He wrote;
“…there is NO one individual that has all the answers, especially at a price tag of $10K or more. Who are the speakers growing? their own bank accounts and ego’s. Just for clarity, this is NOT industry wide, it is the rule rather than the exception. If you want to really grow your life to the extraordinary, Forgive yourself and other, NO excuses. Be honest with yourself and other, no exceptions. And make your self worth your number one PRIORITY. This is free, put the $10K in your savings account and stay away from seminars that are driven by up sells and UN realistic promises of amazing short term results.”
- I had a very enlightening meeting with Rick Alan Ross, author of “CULTS inside Out: How people Get In and Can Get Out”.
While we have been careful to not connect the word cult with self-help, he has researched self-help like events which he labels LGATs: Large Group Awareness Training.(see chapter 16) He explains that intense, expense, long, 4-5 day “retreat” experiences, run by a leader who requires compliance to a single perspective, promises an “emotional cathartic breakthrough” and then uses “cult-like” tactics to influence suggestibility are extremely dangerous. I read this chapter and the section that discusses James Ray and the “sweat lodge” deaths. I hope and pray that the SEEK SAFELY EMPOWERMENT GUIDE, information on our website and well documented, researched resources like this book will inform and save others.