The other day, I was taking my daily walk through the fields and woods about an hour and a half after the sunrise. There had been a light frost and the grass and fallen leaves were covered in white crystals. In the illumination of the early morning sun, the ground was aglow with color…blues, reds, purples, silver diamonds and golden sparkles everywhere I looked. The effect was intoxicating and magical. After stopping and taking in the beauty before me, I continued on my walk but turned to look back on the breathtaking sight, wanting to hold that image longer. However, when I looked back, I just saw wet grass and dead leaves.
The experience made me ask myself, how often is magic before me? Am I just looking from the wrong angle? At the wrong time? Have I missed something amazing and am only seeing something very mundane? Is it possible that the ordinary might be seen and experienced as something truly extraordinary? I believe that beauty abounds and often, when I least expect it, a lesson presents itself to me. I know that how I choose to think will impact how I feel and what I do. While I am seeking to change or improve my life, I need to keep my eyes wide open and my mind receptive to whatever may come to me. I want to let that image of the sparkling grass remind me that beauty may be hidden, an opportunity may be available, a chance may be before me even when I cannot see it. And I want to always cherish those moments of beauty, never taking them for granted, but relishing and savoring each small unexpected gift of life. 
The Woodlands at the Turn by Justin Kern.