2016… Another New Year, New Goals

What does the new year mean to you? Everyone’s experience is different. For some, the holidays are a magical time. For others, the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s are just an expensive hassle. And many find this is a painful time filled with unfulfilled dreams, sadness, memories of loss.

New Directions

Yet, it seems that as the prospect of a new year approaches, many rally, gain some energy and begin to look ahead with hopeful expectation. Magazines are full of advice on embracing health, losing weight, exercising, starting that new diet, creating better financial management, setting goals for the future, adopting strategies for healthier relationships. The turn of the year is a natural time to re-examine and set new directions. Hairpieces for men uk My daughter has given me an awesome planner which encourages setting goals and objectives, with check lists and time lines. I am committed to using this planner to boost my productivity and increase my sense of satisfaction. I am certain it will help me stay on track, moving in the right direction.

New Year, New You?

You, too, may be ready to make those changes you have been putting off or avoiding. As the spirit of newness and the renewed energy to create change seizes you to seek advice or a new program, book or just inspiration for motivation, remember to keep your eyes wide open. If you are considering a group experience, class, or self-help event, consult your “bill of rights” in the SEEK Safely Promise and the check list in our Empowerment Guide to keep you safe. Dr. Norcross also offers tips to choose good self-help materials when purchasing a book or program. Your time, money and energy are precious resources that deserve to be spent wisely. Consider your tools of change and improvement carefully to make the best of your improvement journey. Happy New Year!

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