This is an idea that Kirby would have loved! She was always looking for an opportunity to help others, but was also smart about getting what she needed for herself.
It is with great enthusiasm that I inform you of a partnership that SEEKsafely,inc. has developed with The HaloCard Project, an organization that has developed a unique tool to allow philanthropic-minded individuals and businesses to give back to organizations like ours throughout the year. We realize that in times of economic uncertainty, it can be difficult to provide as much support as you would like to the causes that mean the most to you. We think the HaloCard™ is a great way to support our mission, without any additional expense to you.
Here’s how it works: The HaloCard™ is a traditional Visa credit card that donates an amount equal to 1% of all of the cardholder’s purchases to the non-profit of their choice. There are no out-of-pocket costs for the cardholder, and no annual fee to use the card. 100% of the amount donated to SEEKsafely,inc. on your behalf is provided by The HaloCard Project, and best of all, the donation is tax deductible for you!
For many of you who own businesses, the corporate version of the HaloCard™ allows you to generate similar donations to support our organization, without affecting profitability. HaloCards™ can be issued to any number of your employees, for the routine purchases that they make on behalf of your business every day. Please consider donating to our organization through the HaloCard™ Corporate Giving Program.
We would appreciate it very much if you would consider applying for a HaloCard™ and designating SEEKsafely,inc as the beneficiary for your donations. You can do that by visiting the HaloCard™ website at www.halocardproject.com.
Ginny and George Brown
Founders of SEEKsafely,inc.
And the SEEKsafely Board of Directors